A fresh approach.

A twenty first century marketers perspective on building a solid brand, digital and social strategy to grow your business.


Create Brand.

The goal should never be to simply increase brand awareness. It’s about controlling the story that plays in peoples minds when they think about your product or service. If you don’t control the narrative around your brand, consumers will make up their own. Influencing consumers perception of a brand is the joy of marketing.

A strong brand gives you enormous leverage over competitors and can be a sustainable building block for business growth. The hardest part is living up to your brands expectations and evolving your brand overtime. Two things I push all of my clients towards.


Push digital.

I don’t need to preach the importance of positioning your business online. My approach to digital starts with understanding the consumer behaviour at play. This is opposed to spreading your brand across every digital platform with little strategy or reason why.

Unpacking how your target market behaves gives incredible insight in how to effectively position your business in the digital landscape. It pushes your digital strategy to be relevant to your target market.


Go social.

The opportunities presented on social platforms represent the most targeted and interactive marketing the world has ever seen.

The strength of social media is its ability to connect with consumers in a two-way dialogue, opposed to traditional one-sided marketing. Don’t just tell consumers what you want them to know. Induct them into a sense of community where they can use your brand to define themselves. Successful social marketing operates by creating content that people want to engage with, while reinforcing your marketing message.


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